Starting your new CondoConduit website:
- Schedule a 15 minute phone call: Schedule a call
- Select a URL such as
- Select a Color Scheme from your photo or from the Samples page
- Finally, decide the pages you want to make available to your owners using the page lists below. The pages you choose can be changed, renamed and rearranged at any time.
Popular Association Pages:
1) Public Info: Decide what pages you want displayed to the general public. We suggest:
- Home Page: Glowingly describe your association to prospective buyers and residents, and provide Property Manager contact info
- Optional Pages: You may want to consider exposing the following to prospective buyers:
- Floor Plans
- Community Photos
- Rules and Regulations
2) Owner/Resident Info: Decide what pages you want displayed to OWNERS and Residents. We suggest:
- Resident Welcome Page/latest changes: Post the latest info for your owners. Also, the latest posts on the website are summarized for easy one-click access
- Document Pages: Post common documents on their own pages, subcategorized by type or by year:
- Meeting Minutes
- Meeting Announcements
- Governing Documents
- Financials and Budgets
- Community Pages: Post common documents on their own pages:
- Owner List - generated automatically from owner logins
- Board Members list - generated automatically from owner logins
- Owner Discussion (optional) - allow owners to discuss community events or issues
- Events Calendar
- Progress photos for Special Projects
- Event Photo Pages
- Work Requests and Change Orders: Post common documents on their own pages:
- Work Requests or Change Orders - Allow owners to request repairs online. Monitor repair progress through completion
- Architectural Submissions - Owners can request approval for Architectural Changes through a Change Review Committee. Monitor committee comments and review progress through completion
- Owner Discussion (optional) - allow owners to discuss community events or issues
3) Board-Only Pages: Decide what pages you want displayed only to the board. We suggest:
- Board-Only Discussion: Board Members can discuss and explore issues between meetings
- Meeting Preparation documents: Post documents for Board-only review for Meeting Preparation
- Board-Only Documents:
- Vendor Contracts and Agreements
- Vendor Proposals
- etc.
4) Post your Documents: We suggest:
- The Declaration of Condominium or HOA
- Bylaws
- The Article of Incorporation
- Addendum’s to the Articles of Incorporation
- Rules of the Condominium or Homeowner Association
- Management agreements, leases or binding contracts to the association
- The Annual and proposed budgets
- The Financial and proposed financial reports
- Certification of the Directors on the board
- Contracts and/or documents regarding possible conflict of interest
- Contracts and/or transactions between the Condominium Association or HOA and any entity which a Director is financially interested
- Notices of Board Meetings and agenda
- Notices of Unit Owner Meetings and agenda
- Posting of any and all documents to be considered during the meeting
- Summaries of bids for materials, equipment, or services which exceed $500 must be maintained on the website for 1 year. In lieu of summaries, complete copies of the bids may be posted.